
Estimating the Population Size of Persons Who Inject Drugs in New York
Funded by: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Project dates: April 2020 - January 2026
Principal Investigator: Bradley H
Principal Investigator: Rosenberg, Eli S.

There are no New York State-level estimates of how many people inject drugs or their characteristics, making infectious disease prevention programs difficult to plan, implement, and monitor. In this project, big data will be used to create estimates of the size of the population injecting drugs in New York State. These estimates will serve as a model for other states aiming to address the infectious disease consequences of the opioid crisis.

Abstract on NIH RePORTER
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Bradley H, Hall E, Asher A, Furukawa N, Jones CM, Shealey J, Buchacz K, Handanagic S, Crepaz N, Rosenberg ES (2023).
Estimated number of people who inject drugs in the United States
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 76 (1), 96-102. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac543. PMCID: PMC10202436.