Ric Curtis, PhD
John Jay College of Criminal Justice - Professor
John Jay College of Criminal Justice - Professor
Email: rcurtis@jjay.cuny.edu
PhD, Anthropology, Teachers College, Columbia UniversityBA, Sociology, University of Maine
Research Interests
Drugs, Crime, Sex markets, Ethnography, Harm reduction BIO
Ric Curtis is a Professor of Anthropology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He has a long history of ethnographic research on HIV/AIDS, drug use and distribution, and he has conducted research and published with a large number of scholars from diverse fields. His research has been matched by his commitment to the creation of innovative social services for those at the highest risk of HIV/AIDS, that is, injection drug users. He is the founder and serves on the Board of Directors of several “harm reduction” social service agencies in New York City. Among those are included, Boom! Health in the South Bronx (since 1996), Family Services Network of NY, Inc. (since 1993) and the After Hours Project, Inc. (since 2002), in Brooklyn. His latest non-profit, “Community Action for Social Justice,” (since 2013) serves Nassau and Suffolk Counties, and focuses on overdose prevention and syringe access for injection drug users. Publications
Wolfson-Stofko B, Gwadz MV, Elliott L, Bennett AS, Curtis R (2018).
“Feeling confident and equipped”: Evaluating the acceptability and efficacy of an overdose response and naloxone administration intervention to service industry employees in New York City
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 192, 362-370. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.08.001. PMCID: PMC6237076.
“Feeling confident and equipped”: Evaluating the acceptability and efficacy of an overdose response and naloxone administration intervention to service industry employees in New York City
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 192, 362-370. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.08.001. PMCID: PMC6237076.
Blandino V, Wetzel J, Kim J, Haxhi P, Curtis R, Concheiro M (2017).
Oral fluid vs. urine analysis to monitor synthetic cannabinoids and classic drugs recent exposure
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 18 (10), 796-805. doi: 10.2174/1389201018666171122113934. PMCID: PMC5931376.
Oral fluid vs. urine analysis to monitor synthetic cannabinoids and classic drugs recent exposure
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 18 (10), 796-805. doi: 10.2174/1389201018666171122113934. PMCID: PMC5931376.
Duncan I, Habecker P, Abadie R, Curtis R, Khan B, Dombrowski K (2017).
Needle acquisition patterns, network risk and social capital among rural PWID in Puerto Rico
Harm Reduction Journal, 14 (1), 69. doi: 10.1186/s12954-017-0195-5. PMCID: PMC5648484.
Needle acquisition patterns, network risk and social capital among rural PWID in Puerto Rico
Harm Reduction Journal, 14 (1), 69. doi: 10.1186/s12954-017-0195-5. PMCID: PMC5648484.
Duncan I, Curtis R, Reyes JC, Abadie R, Khan B, Dombrowski K (2017).
Hepatitis C serosorting among people who inject drugs in rural Puerto Rico
Preventive Medicine Reports, 6, 38-43. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2017.02.001. PMCID: PMC5328718.
Hepatitis C serosorting among people who inject drugs in rural Puerto Rico
Preventive Medicine Reports, 6, 38-43. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2017.02.001. PMCID: PMC5328718.
Wolfson-Stofko B, Bennett AS, Elliott L, Curtis R (2017).
Drug use in business bathrooms: An exploratory study of manager encounters in New York City
International Journal of Drug Policy, 39, 69-77. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2016.08.014. PMCID: PMC5304450.
Drug use in business bathrooms: An exploratory study of manager encounters in New York City
International Journal of Drug Policy, 39, 69-77. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2016.08.014. PMCID: PMC5304450.
Street-level drug markets: Network structure and HIV risk
Social Networks, 17 (3-4), 229-249. doi: 10.1016/0378-8733(95)00264-O.
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