
Detecting univariate, bivariate, and overall effects of drug mixtures using Bayesian kernel machine regression

BACKGROUND: Innovative analytic approaches to drug studies are needed to understand better the co-use of opioids with non-opioids among people using illicit drugs. One approach is the Bayesian kernel machine regression (BKMR), widely applied in environmental epidemiology to study exposure mixtures but has received far less attention in substance use research.

OBJECTIVE: To describe the utility of the BKMR approach to study the effects of drug substance mixtures on health outcomes.

METHODS: We simulated data for 200 individuals. Using the Vale and Maurelli method, we simulated multivariate non-normal drug exposure data: xylazine (mean = 300 ng/mL, SD = 100 ng/mL), fentanyl (mean = 200 ng/mL, SD = 71 ng/mL), benzodiazepine (mean = 300 ng/mL, SD = 55 ng/mL), and nitazene (mean = 200 ng/mL, SD = 141 ng/mL) concentrations. We performed 10,000 MCMC sampling iterations with three Markov chains. Model diagnostics included trace plots, r-hat values, and effective sample sizes. We also provided visual relationships of the univariate and bivariate exposure-response and the overall mixture effect.

RESULTS: Higher levels of fentanyl and nitazene concentrations were associated with higher levels of the simulated health outcome, controlling for age. Trace plots, r-hat values, and effective sample size statistics demonstrated BKMR stability across multiple Markov chains.

CONCLUSIONS: Our understanding of drug mixtures tends to be limited to studies of single-drug models. BKMR offers an innovative way to discern which substances pose a greater health risk than other substances and can be applied to assess univariate, bivariate, and cumulative drug effects on health outcomes.

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Full citation:
Bather JR, Han L, Bennett AS, Elliott L, Goodman MS (2024).
Detecting univariate, bivariate, and overall effects of drug mixtures using Bayesian kernel machine regression
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse [Epuib 2024 Jul 23]. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2024.2380463.