
Lance Keene
Lance Keene, PhD, MSW
NYU Silver School of Social Work - Assistant Professor
PhD, Social Service Administration, The University of Chicago
MSW, Social Work, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
BA, Sociology, Michigan State University
Research Interests
At-risk adolescents and early adults, culturally tailored interventions, racial and ethnic minority MSM, HIV prevention and treatment, high risk contexts
Lance Keeneā€™s research interests are in the areas of HIV prevention and treatment, high risk contexts, and racial and ethnic minority MSM. His research program will address gaps in current HIV service delivery models and scholarship. More specifically, his scholarship will concentrate on identifying opportunities to enhance HIV service delivery across the prevention and treatment continuum for key populations.
Principal Investigator, Educate, Test, and Navigate (ETN): A Comprehensive Peer-based Approach to HIV and Substance Misuse Prevention and Treatment Navigation for Minority Youth. Active
Principal Investigator, SAFER Haven Project (Substance & Alcohol Family Engagement & Resources). Active
Principal Investigator, Multi-dimensional Inequality Among Young Sexual Minority Men of Color: Exploring the Potential to Leverage Existing HIV Treatment and Prevention Infrastructure to Improve Life Chances. Completed
Principal Investigator, Overdose FREE (Fentanyl Resources, Education, and Engagement). Completed


Heath RD, Keene L (2023).
The role of school and community involvement in the psychosocial health outcomes of Black and Latinx LGBTQ youth
Journal of Adolescent Health, 72 (5), 650-657. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2022.11.010.

Keene LC, Heath RD, Bouris A (2022).
Disclosure of sexual identities across social-relational contexts: Findings from a national sample of Black sexual minority men
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 9 (1), 201-214. doi: 10.1007/s40615-020-00944-y.

Keene L, Boyd D (2021).
Ending the epidemic: Assessing sexual health communication, personal agency, and HIV stigma among Black and Latino youth in the U.S.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (12), 6319. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18126319. PMCID: PMC8296133.

Keene L, Guilamo-Ramos V (2021).
Racial and sexual minority scholar positionality: Advancing health status and life opportunity among sexual minority men of color
Health Education and Behavior, 48 (3), 250-259. doi: 10.1177/10901981211012272.

Keene LC, Dehlin JM, Pickett J, Berringer KR, Little I, Tsang A, Bouris AM, Schneider JA (2021).
#PrEP4Love: Success and stigma following release of the first sex-positive PrEP public health campaign
Culture, Health and Sexuality, 23 (3), 397-413. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2020.1715482.

Dr. Keene's Google Scholar Profile