
Neighborhoods and health

The highly successful first edition of Neighborhoods and Health (published in 2003), coedited by Ichiro Kawachi and Lisa Berkman, is one of the most highly cited texts in the field of neighborhood health research. However, the methods and substantive research have changed a great deal since it was published more than a decade ago. Although research connecting neighborhoods and health has been conducted for many years, research in neighborhoods and health (also known as spatial epidemiology) has indeed exploded in the last few years in particular—both in terms of content and newer methodological approaches, including the use of global positioning systems (GPS) technology to define “activity space neighborhoods.” Each chapter of this book will cover major theories and insights from the accumulated wealth of new research on neighborhoods and health. The book also covers emerging areas in neighborhoods and health research, including chapters discussing neighborhood stigma, as well as on neighborhood home foreclosures.

Publisher’s Description

Full citation:
Duncan DT, Kawachi I (Eds) (2018).
Neighborhoods and health. (2nd ed.)
New York: Oxford University Press.