
Theory, measurement and hard times: Some issues for HIV/AIDS research

Economic and political instability and related “big events” are widespread throughout the globe. Although they sometimes lead to epidemic HIV outbreaks, sometimes they do not-and we do not understand why. Current behavioural theories do not adequately address these processes, and thus cannot provide optimal guidance for effective intervention. Based in part on a critique of our prior “pathways” model of big events, we suggest that cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) may provide a useful framework for HIV research in this area. Using CHAT concepts, we also suggest a number of areas in which new measures should be developed to make such research possible.

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Friedman SR, Sandoval M, Mateu-Gelabert P, Rossi D, Gwadz M, Dombrowski K, Smyrnov P, Vasylyeva T, Pouget ER, Perlman D (2013).
Theory, measurement and hard times: Some issues for HIV/AIDS research
AIDS and Behavior, 17 (6), 1915-1925. doi: 10.1007/s10461-013-0475-3. PMCID: PMC3674169.