
A rare case of MDMA-induced hyponatremia

Hyponatremia is a common, potentially serious problem encountered in primary, acute, and critical care settings. Proper treatment requires an understanding of the multiple possible causes of hyponatremia. This case report presents an unusual cause of hyponatremia—3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; “Ecstasy” or “Molly”) use. With encouraging research emerging on the use of psychedelic drugs to treat depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and addiction, nurse practitioners should increase their knowledge about the evolution of MDMA from a recreational drug to a potential medicine for the care of people with serious and persistent mental health concerns.

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Dorsen C, Penn A, Carew N, Lloyd M (2023).
A rare case of MDMA-induced hyponatremia
Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 19 (2), 104484. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2022.10.013.