BACKGROUND: The majority of people living with HIV in the United States are men who have sex with men (MSM), with race- and ethnicity-based disparities in HIV rates and care continuum. In order to uncover the neighborhood- and network-involved pathways that produce HIV care outcome disparities, systematic, theory-based investigation of the specific and intersecting neighborhood and social network characteristics that relate to the HIV care continuum must be engaged.
OBJECTIVE: Using socioecological and intersectional conceptual frameworks, we aim to identify individual-, neighborhood-, and network-level characteristics associated with HIV care continuum outcomes (viral suppression, retention in care, and antiretroviral adherence) among MSM living with HIV in New York City.
METHODS: In the longitudinal cohort study, we assess 3 neighborhoods of potential influence (residential, social, and health care access activity spaces) using Google Earth. We investigate the influence of neighborhood composition (eg, concentrated poverty and racial segregation) and four neighborhood-level characteristics domains: (1) community violence, physical disorder, and social disorganization (eg, crime rates and housing vacancy); (2) alcohol and other drug use; (3) social norms (eg, homophobia and HIV stigma); and (4) community resources (eg, social services and public transit access). We test theoretical pathways of influence, including stress or coping, stigma or resilience, and access to resources, across the different neighborhoods in which MSM live, socialize, and receive HIV care. At each visit, we locate each participant’s reported activity spaces (ie, neighborhoods of potential influence) and collect individual-level data on relevant covariates (including perceptions of or exposure to neighborhoods) and social network inventory data on the composition, social support, and perceived social norms. The outcomes are HIV viral suppression, retention in care, and antiretroviral adherence. These data are combined with an existing, extensive geospatial database of relevant area characteristics. Spatial analysis and multilevel modeling are used to test the main theory-driven hypotheses and capture independent neighborhood-level and network-level effects and changes over time.
RESULTS: The study began enrollment in March 2019 and concluded visits in December 2023, with a total of 327 participants enrolled. The median age was 44.1 (SD 11.5) years. Almost all participants self-identified as cisgender men (n=313, 98.1%) and as gay, homosexual, or bisexual (n=301, 94.4%). Overall, 192 (60.1%) participants identified as non-Hispanic Black, and 81 (25.3%) identified as Hispanic. Most (n=201, 63%) reported at least occasional difficulty in meeting basic needs (eg, rent and food) in the past 6 months. The mean number of years living with HIV was 15.4 (SD 10.1).
CONCLUSIONS: This study will have direct implications for the design of multilevel interventions, addressing factors at the neighborhood, network, and individual levels. Results may inform urban planning and program design to improve HIV care outcomes for MSM, particularly for Black and Latino MSM living in urban areas.
Neighborhoods, networks, and HIV care among men who have sex with men: Proposal for a longitudinal study
JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e64358. doi: 10.2196/64358. PMCID: PMC11602767.