
Telephone Initiated PrEP Post-ED Discharge (TIPPED)
Funded by: National Institute of Mental Health
Project dates: May 2024 - April 2029
Principal Investigator: Solnick, Rachel

This study will address critical gaps in HIV prevention and care by developing, implementing, and testing the Telephone Initiated PrEP Post-Emergency Department Discharge (TIPPED) protocol, a comprehensive and pragmatic approach for initiating PrEP in STI-diagnosed patients who visit Emergency Departments. This project will evaluate the implementation of a novel TIPPED protocol as well as a persuasive health communication intervention (PHCI) and ultimately improve PrEP initiation rates for patients at risk of HIV. This research will not only deliver important implementation science and clinical findings but also lay the foundation for larger-scale implementation and study across multiple emergency departments.

Abstract on NIH RePORTER